2024 RBH Mother's Day Art Land
在温馨的五月,母爱如春风般温暖着我们的心房。母亲节周末,RBH Center 分别在 Brooklyn 日落公园以及 Staten Island RBH 中心举办了母亲节绘画写生庆祝活动,吸引了上百个家庭参加。在这个特别的日子里,为母亲们献上了一份独特而温馨的礼物。让我们一起回顾那些感人至深的瞬间,重温爱与陪伴的美好。In the warm month of May, motherly love warms our hearts like a spring breeze. During Mother's Day weekend, the RBH Center held a Mother's Day painting and sketching celebration at the Brooklyn Sunset Park and Staten Island RBH centers, attracting hundreds of families. On this special day, a unique and heartwarming gift was presented to mothers. Let's look back at those touching moments and relive the beauty of love and companionship.
5月11日,风和日丽,阳光明媚。小朋友与大朋友们齐聚日落公园中心大草坪。在婷婷老师的欢迎声中,活动正式拉开了序幕。首先登场的是从夏威夷远道而来的Joann牧师,多年来她关心偏远贫困地区的儿童,为他们提供了大量帮助。活动当天,她为孩子们带来了感恩母亲的信息,教导孩子们如何感恩和孝顺父母,同时为大家送上美好的祝福。On May 11th, under a gentle breeze and sunny skies, children and adults gathered at the central lawn of Sunset Park. With a warm welcome from Teacher Tingting, the event officially commenced. Taking the stage first was Reverend Joann, who had traveled all the way from Hawaii. Over the years, she has shown care for children in remote and impoverished areas, providing them with substantial assistance. On the day of the event, she shared messages of gratitude towards mothers, teaching children how to appreciate and honor their parents, while also offering everyone her heartfelt blessings.
RBH Center 的创始人Elain Shi上台致辞,讲述了此次活动的目的:锻炼孩子的自信心,让孩子们懂得“爱与被爱”。Elain还特别鸣谢了此次活动的主要赞助商彩虹屋艺术教育学苑以及银牌赞助商Anthem蓝十字蓝盾。彩虹屋代表Kevin老师和蓝十字代表Sheng先生也纷纷上台发言,表达了他们对RBH Center母亲节Art Land活动的支持与肯定。RBH Center's founder, Elain Shi, took the stage to deliver a speech, outlining the purpose of the event: to build children's confidence and help them understand "love and being loved." Elain also expressed special thanks to the main sponsor of the event, Rainbow House Art Education Academy, and the silver sponsor, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. Representatives from Rainbow House, including Teacher Kevin, and from Anthem, Mr. Sheng, also took to the stage to speak, expressing their support and appreciation for RBH Center's Mother's Day Art Land event.
在彩虹屋陈老师的带领下,孩子们学习了两首简单的舞蹈《Yes, Ok》和《谢谢你这么爱我》,为现场的妈妈们送上了自己的祝福。紧接着,在Elain女士的主持下,小朋友们按年龄分成三组,在草坪上进行了绘画比赛,用最创意、最美丽的作品为妈妈们送上最真挚的礼物。Under the guidance of Teacher Chen from Rainbow House, the children learned two simple dances, "Yes, Ok" and "Thank You for Loving Me So Much," and dedicated their blessings to the mothers present. Following this, under the hosting of Mrs. Elain, the children were divided into three groups based on age, and participated in a painting competition on the lawn, presenting their most creative and beautiful works as the sincerest gifts for their mothers.
与绘画比赛同时进行的还有彩虹屋艺术教育学苑带来的小型文艺汇演。汇演的开场节目是活力四射的街舞表演《After School》。伴随着节奏感十足的音乐,舞者们用充满活力和神采飞扬的舞步点燃了全场的热情,他们酷帅的舞姿和默契配合赢得了观众的热烈掌声。接着,中国舞一级班的孩子们带来了充满古典韵味的舞蹈《牧童谣》。孩子们手持色彩斑斓的伞,在舞台上翩翩起舞,他们的动作轻盈而优美,仿佛把观众带入了一个宁静美丽的田园世界。小演员们用他们纯真的笑脸和稚嫩的舞步,给大家带来了别样的视觉享受。Alongside the painting competition, there was a small-scale cultural performance brought by the Rainbow House Art Education Academy. The opening act of the performance was the energetic street dance titled "After School." Accompanied by rhythmic music, the dancers ignited the audience's enthusiasm with their vibrant and spirited moves, earning thunderous applause for their cool dance routines and seamless coordination. Following this, the children from the Chinese Dance Level One class presented a dance titled "Pastoral Ballad," brimming with classical charm. Holding colorful umbrellas, the children gracefully danced on stage, their movements light and graceful, as if transporting the audience into a tranquil and beautiful pastoral world. With their innocent smiles and tender dance steps, the young performers offered a unique visual delight for everyone to enjoy.
最紧张刺激的莫过于游戏与抽奖环节。妈妈们重返童年,纷纷上台与孩子们一起参与了“跳格子”游戏。Joann牧师受邀上台抽奖,为孩子们送去了彩虹屋的定制书包。The most thrilling and exciting part of the event was undoubtedly the games and lottery segment. Mothers revisited their childhood as they eagerly joined their children on stage for a game of "hopscotch." Reverend Joann was invited to draw the lucky winners for the lottery, presenting Rainbow House's custom backpacks to the excited children.
从Staten Island远道而来的彩虹屋中国舞班的舞者们,为大家带来了两个精彩纷呈的舞蹈表演。首先登场的是《太空小狮子》。这个节目以活泼可爱的风格和富有想象力的编排,展示了孩子们对太空探索的无限憧憬和热情。舞者们仿佛化身成太空中的小狮子,在广袤的宇宙中自由奔跑。接下来的节目是《有位姑娘》。这个舞蹈以柔美的动作和深情的表演,讲述了一位姑娘的故事。舞者们用优雅的舞姿和丰富的情感,将观众带入一个充满诗意和浪漫的世界。她们的表演细腻动人,每一个动作都流露出对生活的热爱和对美好未来的向往。From Staten Island, the dancers of Rainbow House's Chinese Dance Class presented two spectacular performances, delighting the audience with their talent and grace. The first performance was "Little Lions in Space." With a lively and imaginative choreography, this piece showcased the children's boundless enthusiasm and fascination for space exploration. The dancers portrayed little lions frolicking freely in the vast expanse of the universe. Following this was "There Was a Girl." This dance, characterized by graceful movements and heartfelt expressions, narrated the story of a girl. With elegant gestures and rich emotions, the dancers transported the audience into a world full of poetry and romance. Their performance was delicate and moving, each movement reflecting their love for life and their aspirations for a bright future.
与《有位姑娘》形成鲜明对比的是由Brooklyn“小格格”们带来的《有一个姑娘》。这个姑娘虽有些任性、嚣张,但在她们的舞蹈中,不乏俏皮与可爱。谁不想拥有一位如此有个性的姑娘呢?孩子们的表演虽告一段落,但是由Brian老师和李老师带来的吉他弹唱《Until I Found You》为汇演注入了新鲜感。压轴出场的“乘风破浪的姐姐”成人舞蹈团,更是万众瞩目。旗袍佳人,见之难忘,一曲《南屏晚钟》彰显出她们优雅的气质与精湛的舞艺,仿佛将观众带回到那个充满诗意的年代。In contrast to "There Was a Girl," the "Little Princesses" from Brooklyn brought forth "There Is a Girl." This girl, though somewhat willful and spirited, exuded playfulness and loveliness in their dance. Who wouldn't want to have such a unique and spirited girl? As the children's performances concluded, a fresh vibe was injected into the event by the guitar performance of "Until I Found You" by Teachers Brian and Li. Finally, the spotlight fell on the "Sisters Riding the Waves" adult dance troupe, captivating the audience's attention. Dressed in qipao, these graceful ladies, with their rendition of "Nanping Evening Bell," showcased their elegance and superb dance skills, as if transporting the audience back to a poetic era.
本次绘画比赛的名次由现场观众投票决出,机构负责人为获奖家庭送出了奖状与奖品。活动尾声时刻,出现了最温馨感人的一幕:每个孩子手持一朵康乃馨,为自己的妈妈献花,以表达对母亲的感恩之情。The winners of the painting competition were determined by the votes of the audience present at the event. The organizers awarded certificates and prizes to the winning families. As the event drew to a close, there was a heartwarming and touching moment: each child held a carnation and presented it to their mother, expressing their gratitude and appreciation for their mothers' love and care.
Staten Island活动回顾
5月12日,RBH Center 在 Staten Island 的母亲节活动同样精彩纷呈。因着天气的缘故,活动在RBH中心进行,但还是吸引了众多家庭的参与。On May 12th, RBH Center's Mother's Day event at Staten Island was equally spectacular. Due to the weather, the event was held indoors at the RBH Center, but it still attracted numerous families to participate.
RBH Center 的艺术老师们为孩子们安排了一系列创意手工和绘画活动。孩子们在老师的指导下,用心制作了一份份独特的母亲节礼物。有的孩子在绘画中尽情挥洒创意,有的则在手工制作中表现出惊人的细腻和巧思。RBH Center's art teachers organized a series of creative crafts and painting activities for the children. Under the teachers' guidance, the children carefully crafted unique Mother's Day gifts. Some children expressed their creativity through painting, while others demonstrated remarkable delicacy and ingenuity in their handmade creations.
孩子们表演的《飞天乐鼓》极具民族特色,展示了敦煌的绚丽风采。孩子们的表演让观众仿佛置身于敦煌的世界,感受到浓郁的民族韵味和艺术魅力。The children's performance of "Flying Music Drums" was rich in ethnic characteristics, showcasing the splendid charm of Dunhuang. Their performance transported the audience to the world of Dunhuang, allowing them to experience the deep cultural flavor and artistic allure.
活动的高潮部分是绘画比赛和亲子游戏。孩子们分组进行创意绘画,用最纯真的画笔描绘出对母亲的爱。妈妈们也积极参与到游戏中,与孩子们一同完成了多个趣味挑战,现场充满了欢声笑语。The highlight of the event was the painting competition and parent-child games. Children were divided into groups for creative painting, using their purest brushstrokes to depict their love for their mothers. The mothers actively participated in the games, joining their children in completing various fun challenges, filling the venue with laughter and joy.
活动的高潮部分是绘画比赛和亲子游戏。孩子们分组进行创意绘画,用最纯真的画笔描绘出对母亲的爱。妈妈们也积极参与到游戏中,与孩子们一同完成了多个趣味挑战,现场充满了欢声笑语。The highlight of the event was the painting competition and parent-child games. Children were divided into groups for creative painting, using their purest brushstrokes to depict their love for their mothers. The mothers actively participated in the games, joining their children in completing various fun challenges, filling the venue with laughter and joy.
最后,RBH Center 的负责人为绘画比赛的获奖者颁发了奖状和奖品,并感谢所有参与活动的家庭。每个孩子都表达了对母亲的深深敬意和爱意。Finally, the RBH Center's director awarded certificates and prizes to the winners of the painting competition and thanked all the families who participated in the event. Each child expressed their deep respect and love for their mothers.
此次母亲节活动不仅是一次艺术的盛宴,更是一次心灵的洗礼。RBH Center 希望通过这样的活动,让更多的孩子懂得感恩,懂得爱与被爱的意义。期待明年的母亲节,我们再相聚,共同度过这美好而难忘的时光。
This Mother's Day event was not only an artistic feast but also a spiritual baptism. RBH Center hopes that through such activities, more children will learn to be grateful and understand the meaning of love and being loved. Looking forward to next year's Mother's Day, let's reunite and spend this beautiful and unforgettable time together once again.