The Second Chinese New Year Gala
春节,作为中华民族最重要的传统节日之一,不仅承载着千家万户的团圆梦,也传递着我们对未来的美好期许。为此,RBH Center亲子文化推广中心在2024年2月17日举办了第二届布鲁克林华人春晚,上百个家庭奔赴了这场盛会,与社区共同分享这份幸福与喜悦。The Spring Festival, as one of the most important traditional festivals of the Chinese nation, not only carries the dream of reunion for thousands of families, but also conveys our hopeful expectations for the future. To this end, the RBH Center for Parent-Child Cultural Promotion held the second Brooklyn Chinese New Year Gala on February 17, 2024. Hundreds of families attended this grand event, sharing happiness and joy with the community.
第一届布鲁克林华人春晚给我们留下了深刻的印象,为了延续这一精彩的传统,本次春晚RBH征集和筹备了丰富多彩的文艺表演,让在场的观众都感受到了中华文化的魅力和温暖。The first Brooklyn Chinese New Year Gala left a deep impression on us. In order to continue this wonderful tradition, RBH has collected and prepared a diverse range of artistic performances for this year's Spring Festival Gala, allowing the audience to feel the charm and warmth of Chinese culture.
第一届布鲁克林华人春晚给我们留下了深刻的印象,为了延续这一精彩的传统,本次春晚RBH征集和筹备了丰富多彩的文艺表演,让在场的观众都感受到了中华文化的魅力和温暖。The first Brooklyn Chinese New Year Gala left a deep impression on us. In order to continue this wonderful tradition, RBH has collected and prepared a diverse range of artistic performances for this year's Spring Festival Gala, allowing the audience to feel the charm and warmth of Chinese culture.
RBH Center的主席Elain Shi表示,RBH一直致力于将华人社区凝聚在一起,这也是我们多次举办社区亲子活动的原因。作为亲子文化交流的平台,RBH希望向所有儿童传播关爱、支持和优质教育。作为学校教师和家长最值得信赖的教育伙伴,RBH确保所有儿童能够获得平等的优质教育,同时享受学习新事物的乐趣,如艺术、舞蹈和音乐等课外活动。RBH Center's President, Elain Shi, stated that RBH has always been committed to bringing together the Chinese community, which is also the reason for our frequent organization of community parent-child activities. As a platform for parent-child cultural exchange, RBH hopes to instill care, support, and quality education in all children. As the most trusted educational partner for school teachers and parents, RBH ensures that all children have access to equal and quality education while enjoying the fun of learning new things such as art, dance, and music extracurricular activities.
Elain Shi还介绍了RBH Center的使命和目标,该中心一直致力于推广文化传承,尽最大的努力加强华人社区联系,为华人社区带来更多、更丰富的文化活动和体验。此外,晚会的特邀嘉宾华人策划协会(CPC)Helen女士、赞助商Coway公司以及万基地产 Phoebe Sun女士也发表了精彩讲话,彩虹屋的代表Mr.Kenton也为晚会增添了色彩。Elain Shi also introduced the mission and goals of RBH Center, which has been dedicated to promoting cultural heritage and strengthening connections within the Chinese community by striving to bring more diverse and enriching cultural activities and experiences to the community. In addition, special guest speakers, including Helen from the Chinese Planning Council (CPC), representatives from sponsor companies such as Coway, and Phoebe Sun from Wan Property, delivered inspiring speeches during the event. Mr. Kenton, a representative from Rainbow House, also added vibrancy to the gala.
Elain Shi还介绍了RBH Center的使命和目标,该中心一直致力于推广文化传承,尽最大的努力加强华人社区联系,为华人社区带来更多、更丰富的文化活动和体验。此外,晚会的特邀嘉宾华人策划协会(CPC)Helen女士、赞助商Coway公司以及万基地产 Phoebe Sun女士也发表了精彩讲话,彩虹屋的代表Mr.Kenton也为晚会增添了色彩。Elain Shi also introduced the mission and goals of RBH Center, which has been dedicated to promoting cultural heritage and strengthening connections within the Chinese community by striving to bring more diverse and enriching cultural activities and experiences to the community. In addition, special guest speakers, including Helen from the Chinese Planning Council (CPC), representatives from sponsor companies such as Coway, and Phoebe Sun from Wan Property, delivered inspiring speeches during the event. Mr. Kenton, a representative from Rainbow House, also added vibrancy to the gala.
Program Highlights Review
开场舞《铮》的精彩演绎为晚会拉开了序幕。铮,象声词。铁骨铮铮,比喻刚正不阿,才能突出,象征着彩虹屋艺术学苑舞蹈班小演员刻苦认真,自信刚毅的优良品质和与之带来的突出才能。The spectacular performance of the opening dance "Zheng" set the stage for the evening. "Zheng" is an onomatopoeic word. "Tiegu Zhengzheng" metaphorically describes being upright and unyielding, highlighting one's outstanding abilities. It symbolizes the diligent and confident qualities of the young performers from the Rainbow House Art Academy Dance Class, along with the outstanding talent they bring.
一群2-4岁的早教萌娃与父母带来的亲子演出《噼噼啪啪闹新年》将春晚气氛与团圆的氛围感拉满。萌萌的身影,可爱的嗓音。将欢乐与幸福传递给现场的每一位观众朋友。儿童时期,天真烂漫,天马行空。兴有所向,行之所至。一跳一叫,皆由性情。A group of adorable toddlers aged 2-4, along with their parents, brought the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and the feeling of reunion to the fullest with their parent-child performance "Pipipapa Making Noise for the New Year". Their cute figures and sweet voices spread joy and happiness to every audience member present. During childhood, innocence and imagination run wild. With enthusiasm driving them, they explore wherever they go. Their jumps and calls are all driven by their natural disposition.
序幕拉开,精彩节目接踵而来。老骥伏枥,志在千里。烈士暮年,壮心不已。由CPC长者活动中心为我们带来的《24式太极拳和功夫太极扇》让我们看到了何为长者风范,何为站如松。As the curtain rose, one spectacular performance followed another. Like an old horse at the stable, with aspirations spanning a thousand miles; like a martyr in his twilight years, with undiminished valor. The "24-style Tai Chi and Kung Fu Tai Chi Fan" presented by the CPC Elderly Activity Center showcased the dignity of the elderly and their resilience akin to the steadfastness of pines.
序幕拉开,精彩节目接踵而来。老骥伏枥,志在千里。烈士暮年,壮心不已。由CPC长者活动中心为我们带来的《24式太极拳和功夫太极扇》让我们看到了何为长者风范,何为站如松。As the curtain rose, one spectacular performance followed another. Like an old horse at the stable, with aspirations spanning a thousand miles; like a martyr in his twilight years, with undiminished valor. The "24-style Tai Chi and Kung Fu Tai Chi Fan" presented by the CPC Elderly Activity Center showcased the dignity of the elderly and their resilience akin to the steadfastness of pines.
紧接着由我们彩虹屋的“小格格”舞蹈班带来整齐又可爱的舞蹈《有一个姑娘》,一颦一笑皆是美好。由Kitty Liu小歌手带来的独唱《Home》,以及Hannah Liao 《Girl on Fire》乃自信与能力的精彩展现。离不开家长与学校的付出与培养。Next, our Rainbow House's "Little Princess" dance class presented the neat and adorable dance "There's a Girl," where every expression was a reflection of beauty. This was followed by a solo performance of "Home" by singer Kitty Liu, and "Girl on Fire" by Hannah Liao, showcasing confidence and ability. None of this would be possible without the dedication and nurturing provided by parents and the school.
伴随着一曲优美的江南调音乐,彩虹屋“乘风破浪姐姐舞蹈团”为我们带来优美的古典舞《入画江南》,姐姐们之所以是乘风破浪的,便是因为她们在不断突破自己,不仅需要平衡工作与家庭,还需兼顾舞蹈爱好。真的是可敬可佩的姐姐团!Accompanied by the melodious tunes of a Jiangnan-style melody, the Rainbow House's "Sisters Breaking Waves Dance Troupe" presented the graceful classical dance "Into the Scenic Jiangnan". The reason these sisters are "Breaking Waves" is because they continuously push themselves, balancing work and family while also nurturing their passion for dance. Truly, they are an admirable and commendable sisterhood!
RBH Center 一直以来都以传承和弘扬传统文化为己任。致力于让更多华裔小朋友能够有的机会接触并吸收优秀传统文化。由儿童古诗词班带来表演《鱼戏莲叶间》美轮美奂,优美动人。我们的合作伙伴精灵舞蹈培训中心带来了喜庆又灵动的舞蹈《灯笼舞》,红红火火的装扮让晚会的过年氛围直接拉满。RBH Center has always taken on the responsibility of inheriting and promoting traditional culture. We are dedicated to providing more opportunities for young Chinese children to engage with and absorb outstanding traditional culture. The performance "Fish Playing Among Lotus Leaves" by the Children's Classical Poetry Class was magnificent and enchanting, exuding elegance and charm. Our partner, the Elf Dance Training Center, brought a festive and lively dance titled "Lantern Dance", with vibrant red costumes that instantly heightened the New Year atmosphere of the gala.
春晚不单单有歌曲与舞蹈,彩虹屋教师团队精心打造的话剧《美女是野兽》在给我们带来了欢声笑语的同时,也提醒着每一个人,一个人真正需要拥有的是内外兼修的品德美,而不是空有其表的美。The Spring Festival Gala isn't just about songs and dances. The play "Beauty and the Beast," meticulously crafted by the Rainbow House teaching team, brought laughter and joy while reminding everyone of the importance of inner beauty and character, rather than mere superficial appearance.
RBH Center 一直以来都以传承和弘扬传统文化为己任。致力于让更多华裔小朋友能够有的机会接触并吸收优秀传统文化。由儿童古诗词班带来表演《鱼戏莲叶间》美轮美奂,优美动人。我们的合作伙伴精灵舞蹈培训中心带来了喜庆又灵动的舞蹈《灯笼舞》,红红火火的装扮让晚会的过年氛围直接拉满。RBH Center has always taken on the responsibility of inheriting and promoting traditional culture. We are dedicated to providing more opportunities for young Chinese children to engage with and absorb outstanding traditional culture. The performance "Fish Playing Among Lotus Leaves" by the Children's Classical Poetry Class was magnificent and enchanting, exuding elegance and charm. Our partner, the Elf Dance Training Center, brought a festive and lively dance titled "Lantern Dance", with vibrant red costumes that instantly heightened the New Year atmosphere of the gala.
春晚不单单有歌曲与舞蹈,彩虹屋教师团队精心打造的话剧《美女是野兽》在给我们带来了欢声笑语的同时,也提醒着每一个人,一个人真正需要拥有的是内外兼修的品德美,而不是空有其表的美。The Spring Festival Gala isn't just about songs and dances. The play "Beauty and the Beast," meticulously crafted by the Rainbow House teaching team, brought laughter and joy while reminding everyone of the importance of inner beauty and character, rather than mere superficial appearance.
CPC长者活动中心的美女阿姨们带来令人陶醉的藏族舞蹈《吉祥欢歌》她们身穿华丽的藏族服饰,头戴华丽的藏式饰品,舞姿优美、婀娜多姿。随着动人的音乐节奏,她们翩翩起舞,舞姿飘逸如云,展现出深厚的文化底蕴和独特魅力。The beautiful ladies from the CPC Elderly Activity Center mesmerized the audience with their enchanting Tibetan dance "Joyful Song of Auspiciousness". Adorned in magnificent Tibetan costumes and ornate accessories, they gracefully moved to the captivating rhythm of the music, showcasing their cultural depth and unique charm with elegant and graceful dance movements, reminiscent of drifting clouds.
彩虹屋教师们准备的幽默诙谐的网红歌曲串烧,乃本次春晚的最大亮点之一。搞笑的装扮与有趣的道具,赢得了满堂的喝彩。One of the highlights of this year's Spring Festival Gala was the humorous and witty medley of viral songs prepared by the teachers from Rainbow House. Their funny costumes and entertaining props earned thunderous applause from the audience.
彩虹屋教师们准备的幽默诙谐的网红歌曲串烧,乃本次春晚的最大亮点之一。搞笑的装扮与有趣的道具,赢得了满堂的喝彩。One of the highlights of this year's Spring Festival Gala was the humorous and witty medley of viral songs prepared by the teachers from Rainbow House. Their funny costumes and entertaining props earned thunderous applause from the audience.
彩虹屋小乐团带来的两首经典歌曲《Minuet in G》《Count on Me》让观众沉浸在温暖的音乐氛围中,领悟友谊和支持的重要意义。The two classic songs "Minuet in G" and "Count on Me" performed by the Rainbow House Little Band immersed the audience in a warm musical atmosphere, allowing them to appreciate the importance of friendship and support.
Aria 郭美君老师的古筝独奏《丰收锣鼓》以其欢快、生动的旋律展现了丰收的喜悦和繁荣的景象。每一拨琴弦都像是一声声欢呼,每一段旋律都饱含着对丰收的期盼与祝福。音乐演奏为观众带来了难忘的音乐体验,让每个人都感受到音乐的力量和情感的共鸣。Aria Guo Meijun's guzheng solo "Harvest Drums" vividly portrays the joy of harvest and prosperity through its lively and cheerful melody. Each pluck of the strings seems like a cheer, and every melody segment is filled with anticipation and blessings for a bountiful harvest. The music performance provided the audience with an unforgettable musical experience, allowing everyone to feel the power of music and emotional resonance.
Aria 郭美君老师的古筝独奏《丰收锣鼓》以其欢快、生动的旋律展现了丰收的喜悦和繁荣的景象。每一拨琴弦都像是一声声欢呼,每一段旋律都饱含着对丰收的期盼与祝福。音乐演奏为观众带来了难忘的音乐体验,让每个人都感受到音乐的力量和情感的共鸣。Aria Guo Meijun's guzheng solo "Harvest Drums" vividly portrays the joy of harvest and prosperity through its lively and cheerful melody. Each pluck of the strings seems like a cheer, and every melody segment is filled with anticipation and blessings for a bountiful harvest. The music performance provided the audience with an unforgettable musical experience, allowing everyone to feel the power of music and emotional resonance.
由彩虹屋中国舞班带来的敦煌舞《飞天乐鼓》以及傣族舞《竹林深处》让观众感受到了浓厚的民族风情。舞者们手持鼓乐,节奏明快,动作矫健有力,将观众带入了敦煌壁画中的神秘世界,感受到古老文明的魅力与力量。她们身着民族服饰,舞姿轻盈灵动,仿佛置身于竹林之中。他们以优美的舞姿和动人的音乐,表达了对生活的热爱和对自然的敬畏。The Dunhuang dance "Flying Celestial Drums" and the Dai ethnic dance "Deep in the Bamboo Grove", presented by the Rainbow House Chinese Dance Class, immersed the audience in a rich ethnic atmosphere. With dancers holding drums and performing lively rhythms, agile and vigorous movements, they transported the audience into the mysterious world of Dunhuang murals, experiencing the charm and power of ancient civilization. Adorned in ethnic costumes, their graceful and agile movements made them seem as if they were in the midst of a bamboo grove. Through their beautiful dance and captivating music, they expressed their love for life and reverence for nature.
救世军舞韵太极队呈现的舞韵《花妖》完美地将瑜伽与舞蹈相融合。舞步间流露出舞者们的优雅与力量的融合,舞台上的每一个动作都充满了韵律感和舞蹈的美学。The dance rhythm "Flower Demon," presented by the Salvation Army Dance Rhythm Tai Chi Team, seamlessly integrates yoga with dance. The choreography reveals the graceful and powerful fusion of the dancers, with every movement on stage filled with rhythm and the aesthetics of dance.
救世军舞韵太极队呈现的舞韵《花妖》完美地将瑜伽与舞蹈相融合。舞步间流露出舞者们的优雅与力量的融合,舞台上的每一个动作都充满了韵律感和舞蹈的美学。The dance rhythm "Flower Demon," presented by the Salvation Army Dance Rhythm Tai Chi Team, seamlessly integrates yoga with dance. The choreography reveals the graceful and powerful fusion of the dancers, with every movement on stage filled with rhythm and the aesthetics of dance.
彩虹屋街舞班为观众呈现了炫目的《街舞串烧》。这支舞蹈融合了多种街舞风格,展现了街舞文化的多样性和活力。舞者们身穿时尚潮流的服装,以独特的动作和节奏感,诠释出活力四射的青春气息和无限的激情。The Rainbow House Street Dance Class showcased a dazzling "Street Dance Medley" for the audience. This dance combines various street dance styles, demonstrating the diversity and vitality of street dance culture. Dressed in fashionable attire, the dancers exuded a vibrant youthfulness and boundless passion through their unique movements and rhythm.
新春走秀中,模特们身着中国传统风格的服饰,展示着华丽的汉服、优雅的旗袍等。每一套服饰都展现了中国传统文化的魅力和精髓,华丽的刺绣、精美的细节、独特的设计。走秀中,模特们的步姿沉稳而优雅,姿态端庄而自信,展现了中国传统文化中“礼”的精神。他们手持扇子、携带花束,配合音乐节奏,行云流水,吸引着观众的目光。In the Lunar New Year fashion show, models were dressed in traditional Chinese garments, showcasing magnificent Hanfu and elegant Cheongsam. Each outfit displayed the charm and essence of Chinese traditional culture with its elaborate embroidery, exquisite details, and unique designs. During the show, the models' steps were steady and graceful, their posture dignified and confident, embodying the spirit of "礼" (propriety) in Chinese traditional culture. Holding fans and carrying bouquets, they moved gracefully to the rhythm of the music, captivating the audience's gaze.
新春走秀中,模特们身着中国传统风格的服饰,展示着华丽的汉服、优雅的旗袍等。每一套服饰都展现了中国传统文化的魅力和精髓,华丽的刺绣、精美的细节、独特的设计。走秀中,模特们的步姿沉稳而优雅,姿态端庄而自信,展现了中国传统文化中“礼”的精神。他们手持扇子、携带花束,配合音乐节奏,行云流水,吸引着观众的目光。In the Lunar New Year fashion show, models were dressed in traditional Chinese garments, showcasing magnificent Hanfu and elegant Cheongsam. Each outfit displayed the charm and essence of Chinese traditional culture with its elaborate embroidery, exquisite details, and unique designs. During the show, the models' steps were steady and graceful, their posture dignified and confident, embodying the spirit of "礼" (propriety) in Chinese traditional culture. Holding fans and carrying bouquets, they moved gracefully to the rhythm of the music, captivating the audience's gaze.
Helena Guo的独唱《最亮的星星》在晚会中成为了一颗最耀眼的星星,照亮了每一个观众的心灵。她用音乐传递母爱的伟大,观众们纷纷被她的表演所打动,情不自禁地沉浸其中,仿佛与她共同经历了一段感人至深的旅程。Helena Guo's solo performance of "The Brightest Star" became the shining star of the evening, illuminating the hearts of every audience member. Through her music, she conveyed the greatness of maternal love. The audience was deeply moved by her performance, immersing themselves in it as if they had embarked on a profoundly touching journey together with her.
梁琼尹老师带领的纽约聚声堂艺术学院为本次春节晚会贡献了多个节目。其中包括:歌伴舞《梅花赋》和舞蹈《好运来》:这是一首欢快、动感的歌曲,通过歌唱和舞蹈,表达了对新一年好运的美好祝愿。The New York Ju Sheng Tang Art Academy, led by Teacher Liang Qiongyin, contributed several performances to this year's Spring Festival Gala. Among them are the song and dance performance "Ode to Plum Blossoms" and the dance "Good Luck Comes": "Ode to Plum Blossoms" is a lively and dynamic song that expresses beautiful wishes for good luck in the new year through singing and dancing.
合唱《少年中国说》:这是一首由儿童合唱团演唱的歌曲,歌词富有中国特色,表达了青少年对祖国的热爱和祝福,展现了新一代的朝气和活力。The choir sang "Youthful China Speaks": This is a song performed by a children's choir, with lyrics rich in Chinese characteristics, expressing the love and blessings of young people for their motherland, showcasing the vigor and vitality of the new generation.
梁琼尹老师带领的纽约聚声堂艺术学院为本次春节晚会贡献了多个节目。其中包括:歌伴舞《梅花赋》和舞蹈《好运来》:这是一首欢快、动感的歌曲,通过歌唱和舞蹈,表达了对新一年好运的美好祝愿。The New York Ju Sheng Tang Art Academy, led by Teacher Liang Qiongyin, contributed several performances to this year's Spring Festival Gala. Among them are the song and dance performance "Ode to Plum Blossoms" and the dance "Good Luck Comes": "Ode to Plum Blossoms" is a lively and dynamic song that expresses beautiful wishes for good luck in the new year through singing and dancing.
合唱《少年中国说》:这是一首由儿童合唱团演唱的歌曲,歌词富有中国特色,表达了青少年对祖国的热爱和祝福,展现了新一代的朝气和活力。The choir sang "Youthful China Speaks": This is a song performed by a children's choir, with lyrics rich in Chinese characteristics, expressing the love and blessings of young people for their motherland, showcasing the vigor and vitality of the new generation.
孩子们的《拜年歌》是传统的春节歌曲之一,歌词祝福了观众新春快乐、万事如意,充满了温馨和喜庆的气氛。The children's rendition of "New Year Greetings Song" is one of the traditional Spring Festival songs. The lyrics convey blessings for a happy and prosperous Lunar New Year to the audience, creating a warm and festive atmosphere filled with joy and celebration.
《大中国》是一首富有爱国主义情感的歌曲,歌颂了祖国的壮丽山河和悠久历史,表达了对祖国的无限热爱和对未来的美好祝愿。作为晚会的压轴曲目,它为整场活动画上了完美的句号,引起了观众们的热烈反响。"Great China" is a patriotic song full of love for the country, praising the magnificent mountains and rivers as well as the long history of the motherland. It expresses infinite love for the motherland and best wishes for the future. As the finale of the evening, it provided a perfect conclusion to the entire event, eliciting enthusiastic responses from the audience.
《大中国》是一首富有爱国主义情感的歌曲,歌颂了祖国的壮丽山河和悠久历史,表达了对祖国的无限热爱和对未来的美好祝愿。作为晚会的压轴曲目,它为整场活动画上了完美的句号,引起了观众们的热烈反响。"Great China" is a patriotic song full of love for the country, praising the magnificent mountains and rivers as well as the long history of the motherland. It expresses infinite love for the motherland and best wishes for the future. As the finale of the evening, it provided a perfect conclusion to the entire event, eliciting enthusiastic responses from the audience.
在第二届RBH布鲁克林华人春晚上,我们协同在场观众见证了一场充满热情、活力和文化庆祝的盛会。精彩的表演和感人的瞬间为我们带来了一个难忘的夜晚,彼此分享了欢笑与感动。感谢所有参与者的付出和支持,感谢所有今晚赴约的家庭,特别感谢一直支持RBH亲子活动的赞助商、合作伙伴以及台前幕后所有演员和工作人员,感谢所有人的努力和贡献。At the second RBH Brooklyn Chinese New Year Gala, we, along with the audience, witnessed a celebration filled with passion, vitality, and cultural festivities. The fantastic performances and touching moments brought us an unforgettable night, where we shared laughter and emotions. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their dedication and support, to all families who joined us tonight, and especially to the sponsors, partners, actors, and staff, both on and off stage, who have always supported RBH's parent-child activities. Thank you to everyone for your efforts and contributions.
让我们共同期待着下一次的相聚,继续传承和弘扬中华文化,为社区带来更多欢乐与美好。再次祝愿大家新春快乐,阖家幸福,万事如意!Let us look forward to our next gathering, where we will continue to inherit and promote Chinese culture, bringing more joy and beauty to our community. Once again, I wish everyone a happy Lunar New Year, filled with happiness, prosperity, and all the best!
让我们共同期待着下一次的相聚,继续传承和弘扬中华文化,为社区带来更多欢乐与美好。再次祝愿大家新春快乐,阖家幸福,万事如意!Let us look forward to our next gathering, where we will continue to inherit and promote Chinese culture, bringing more joy and beauty to our community. Once again, I wish everyone a happy Lunar New Year, filled with happiness, prosperity, and all the best!